Glad you could make it. This site is my mind's little nest on the web. My mind isn't quite this sparsely appointed, but you have to make allowances for bandwidth...
The Offerings
- Pingree's Potato Patch: My blog/research site dealing with the economics of Detroit.
- Have Brain, Will Travel: Actually on a separate domain, this is my consulting operation. If you need to rent a smart guy, check it out.
- Mythic Detroit: A Fortean side project of mine, where I'm trying to tie together information about unusual aspects of Detroit.
- The Fractal Farm: A program for breeding fractals (not much more to be said, really).
- Musical Bottom Feeding: A page devoted to my ventures in bargain-basement music hunting, including reviews and hunting grounds for my fellow musical adventurers.
- The No-Penney Opera: Yes, I've got my own podcast, in tribute to DJ John Penney, who was unceremoniously dumped by WDET in December of 2005.
- Gaming: My main hobby, aside from intellectual vagrancy, is gaming: Roleplaying, CCGs, etc.
- Me: A bit of information about myself.