Make Link
This page describes an internal function in PmWiki's engine called MakeLink()
. The contents are not intended for those with a weak heart
admins (advanced)
Also see: PmWiki.Functions#MakeLink
Syntax: MakeLink($pagename, $target, $text, $suffix, $fmt)
The function MakeLink(
returns a
string containing the HTML code for the link that corresponds to the target,
text and format supplied. The primary purpose of this function is to convert
markup such as
, $target, $text, $suffix, $fmt)
[[<text> -> <target>]]
[[<target> | <text>]]
into the appropriate HTML code.
The parameters have the following meaning:
— a string with the name of the page context in which the link is created, this is typically simply the name of the current page. For example,$pagename
could be"Group.SomePage"
— a string with the target, i.e.<target>
in the markup examples above. For example,$target
could be"some page"
which refers to<current-group>/SomePage
— a string with the desired link text, i.e<text>
in the markup examples above. If$text
is NULL or not specified, the link text is computed automatically from$target
after stripping anything in parenthesis.$suffix
— a string that will be appended to the link text. For example, the markup[[install]]ed
will invokeMakeLink()
with the string"ed"
as the suffix.$fmt
— a format string that defines HTML code to be produced. If$fmt
is NULL or not specified, the default format corresponding to the type of link will be used.- For page links, one of
is used. - For intermap-style links, the format is taken from an entry in the
, or from$UrlLinkFmt
- For page links, one of
- How is alternate text specified in markup format? →
Here are some examples of using MakeLink()
Invocation: | MakeLink( |
Result: | "<a href='.../Group/SomePage'>SomePage</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink( |
Result: | "<a href='.../Group/SomePage'> page</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink( |
Result: | "<a href='.../Group/SomePage'>other text</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink( |
Result: | "<a href='.../uploads/Group/file.doc'>other text</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink( |
Result: | "<a href='.../Group/SomePage'>other text-suffix</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink($pagename, "install(ation)", NULL, "ed") |
Result: | "<a href='.../Group/Installation'>installed</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink($pagename, "SomePage", '', '', "<a href='.../\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>") |
Result: | "<a href='.../Group/SomePage'>SomePage</a>" |
Invocation: | MakeLink($pagename, "Attach:foo.gif", '', '', $ImgTagFmt) |
Result: | "<img src='.../uploads/foo.gif' alt='' />" |
Questions and answers
How does MakeLink()
know the type of link?
The array $LinkFunctions contains a list of prefixes to recognize and
subroutines to call when $target
contains that prefix. The default settings
for $LinkFunctions goes something like:
$LinkFunctions['http:'] = 'LinkIMap'; $LinkFunctions['https:'] = 'LinkIMap'; $LinkFunctions['mailto:'] = 'LinkIMap'; # ...
Thus, any target that looks like a url is created using the LinkIMap()
function. For attachments, we have
$LinkFunctions['Attach:'] = 'LinkUpload';
which calls the LinkUpload()
function to handle attachment links.
If $target
doesn't match any of the prefixes in $LinkFunctions, then
MakeLink assumes the target is a page name and it uses the entry in
, which by default says to call the LinkPage()
After that, it's up to the per-target function to figure out how
the link is to be correctly formatted. Each target function has
its own set of $...Fmt variables that control formatting for
the target, but if MakeLink()
is passed a value for $fmt
the target function is supposed to use that value in lieu of its
default. This is how we're able to do inline images (see the
"img" rule in scripts/stdmarkup.php
), as well as use MakeLink()
to get at other items of the resulting target link.
Why does MakeLink()
remove parenthesis from the target?
See Links#othertext, Link text within (parentheses) will not be not displayed, so that [[(wiki) sandbox]]
links to WikiSandbox but displays as sandbox. For addresses actually containing parentheses, use %28 and %29 --Petko?
Category: PmWikiInternals
This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:MakeLink?, and a talk page: PmWiki:MakeLink-Talk?.